SmartFlo Dashboard App
The SmartFlo Dashboard web app allows a grower to remotely follow plants in the greenhouse and know which routes of the system are activated simultaneously. Performance of system and personnel are now traceable and available on your desktop or smartphone.
Wirelessly linked conveyor belts
What makes this even more innovative is that the whole set up is wireless. With the SmartFlo Dashboard, your SmartFlo conveyor belts are wirelessly connected via the Smartdevice server. Forget wires in the greenhouse. With the modules of SmartFlo you build your greenhouse into a complete intelligent installation. Suitable for every type of greenhouse or cultivation. Not only that, the system is completely scalable to any size greenhouse.
The great combination of proven technology of belting systems with application of IoT enables a massive next step in our goal providing growers with handsfree plant production.
Less labor needed and more convenience.
Other features and modules can be read from your dashboard. Like The the SmartFlo count which is a portable wireless device which can be set at any point in the system to count plants passing by on the system. Herewith enabling you to manage follow and extract the performance data. This all from the convenience behind your desk, instead of with a clipboard in the greenhouse.
The app works via a friendly web application which can be operated via mobile, iPad or computer. With the Dashboard you can prevent mistakes, save time and gives you better understanding of plant production and sales
More about SmartFlo
The SmartFlo series is a complete smart system of conveyors that are connected to each other. This allows you to easily control the entire system and choose different routes. You do this from the SmartFlo Dashboard. Very simple and user-friendly. The system is easily scalable.
That means you can start, for example, with a single bay belt or a main track, or a combination of both. This makes the SmartFlo conveyor system with the SmartFlo Dashboard a very affordable solution: you start with the basics and expansion and/or further automation is possible in a subsequent phase.
SmartFlo Dashboard