Knowledge base
Do you want to know more about our automation solutions? Or do you need to calculate how much you can save on labor costs? Download the WPS whitepapers and calculation models for free.

Calculate your labor savings
Interested in the possible savings on labor costs in the sorting and delivery process? Using this calculator you can calculate your potential labor.

Increased production with PGC
What are the advantages of a Plant Growth Cell? The whitepaper also contains a calculation model to forcast the increase.

Choose the best logistical solution
This whitepaper gives an overview of all of the automation solutions that are customary during the cultivation of potted plants.

SmartFlo: five customer stories
Five customer stories that give you a better insight into SmartFlo automation. Three Dutch and two Brazilian growers share their story.

Product information SmartFlo conveyors
Discover the 9 essential transportation components of a SmartFlo system that allow growers to work more efficiently.

Optimizing your growing space
This whitepaper describes a method for calculating your use of space. This method also helps you work out potential improvements.

Sorting and delivery: five customer stories
Five customer stories that give you a better view of the sorting and delivery automation. Dutch growers share their experiences.

Check if your investment is worth it
Get tips, examples and a checklist to decide if your investment in internal logistics is worth it. Make a better decision!